Big-J's Donut Thread!!!!!!

A place to talk about any Non-Political topics that are on your mind. Keep it clean please.
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

[JiF][AARP]Tissueman wrote:Excellent plan. I need to investigate if Boston Kremes are better than Jelly. It may take several months of intensive hands on testing, but I'm ready for the challenge.
Tissue, you need a carefully controlled scientific experiment here. To avoid introducing any "noise" into the data sets, you must consume nothing but the items under study. And due to the unpredictable, scientifically insignificant nature of day-to-day weight fluctuations, the experiment will have to last for a meaningful amount of time. I suggest two full weeks of eating nothing but Boston Kremes, followed by two full weeks of nothing but Jelly. And of course, you must not burn any calories through exercise during the experiment since that would be another source of "noise" in the data. So you'll need to lay in bed watching TV the entire time. If possible you should also try not to use the bathroom for the 4 week duration of the experiment.

Measure your weight at the beginning (W1), after the first two weeks (W2), and at the end (W3). If (W2 - W1) > (W3 - W2), then Boston Kremes are worse for you. If (W2 - W1) < (W3 - W2), then Jellies are worse for you. If (W2 - W1) = (W3 - W2), then we can conclude that the healthiest diet for a human being is an even mix of Boston Kreme and Jelly donuts.
[JiF][AARP]Grimp wrote:Funny as soon as I finished my first post in this thread my wife who is always complaining about my weight brought me a Boston Crème from Nick D's donuts. The confusion never stops :!:
My wife does the same types of things to me. It's part of their master plan. If they stopped feeding us fattening food and we lost weight, then they wouldn't be able to nag us about our weight.
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

[JiF]AlbieDamned wrote:My wife does the same types of things to me. It's part of their master plan. If they stopped feeding us fattening food and we lost weight, then they wouldn't be able to nag us about our weight.
Well that doesn't explain the rest of the nagging ;)
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Post by [JiF]bigjohnson »

boy you guys need to take Big-J's manly steps to an easy marriage.... first learn the response to nagging: "oh, I'm sorry, were you talking?" results may vary.
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Post by [JiF][AARP]Grimp »

Thsts just too scary to even think about. I will probably have nightmare tonigh :shock:
Well actually I do that all the time, but its just old age :wink:
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

From donuts to marital issues...
I'd say this was a pirated thread, but somehow, I suspect
these subjects are closely interrelated... :shock:

It certainly begs further analysis.
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

[JiF]Stepovich wrote:From donuts to marital issues...
I'd say this was a pirated thread, but somehow, I suspect
these subjects are closely interrelated... :shock:

It certainly begs further analysis.
Well, I posted a long detailed plan for a carefully controlled donut diet experiment. In that same message I also posted a tiny little snippet about nagging wives. No one has responded to the former, only to the latter.
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Post by [JiF]bigjohnson »

nagging = stress = weight gain / unhealthy eating (pleasure center/taste/endocrine brain stuff) = self image / diet issues = nagging = repeat function
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