New Installation Assist needed

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New Installation Assist needed

Post by [JiF]Crash »


I have been off the BF wagon for some time, but going to be getting back on tonight. I'm going to be reloading my winXP sp1 box with WinXP sp2. A clean install.

I need to know what sequence to reload BF all the way through BF2 the clean way. And sence we can't get patches the old way, free, where to get the patches to get these games up to date. I don't want to load something in the wrong order and get BF all angry like it is now.

I have disks for the following games:

Desert Combat
BF2 Special Forces

Any assistance with the reload would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to be reloading the box after the kids goto bed tonight. So an answer b4 8pm would be great.

Thanks all, can't wait to get gamin again

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Post by [JiF][AARP]Grimp »

I just reloaded mine a month ago and can't remember what order I did it :(

Seems to me I just installed BF, RTR, SW and one patch. Not sure. I think RTR, and maybe SW patch BF before installing then just the latest full patch.
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Post by [JiF]LtWaterboy »


woohoo!! wb brother!! :)

Yeah, I had a HD crash and complete reformat evrything with it.

I believe Grimp is correct. The expansion packs take care of normal BF1942 if done in that order.

FYI. you may need to check your vid drivers. That was what was causing me problems on my reinstall (after RTR).
I have the ATI Radeon 9800 PRO card. needed its driver reinstalled for BF to work.

ps. do u have the last patches??
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