Rock and Walk For Change

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Rock and Walk For Change

Post by [JiF]Beezer »

During the next three days a local radio station(WAAF) runs a program called, "The Rock and Walk For Change", they have two DJs walk to boston from ware and Plymouth MA collecting donations for the worcester and boston food banks. They also have to rock half which cosists of people calling into the radio station and request what ever they please but the songs have a price tag, basiclly the more random and abnormal the song is the more it caust. I just think its a good idea to help the food banks and raise money, and also the station is funny to listen to all the random funny music they will play. If you want to see where they are stopping or how you can request or donate here are the links,


Where to listen
Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.
-Immanuel Kant

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