BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

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BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

Post by [JiF]LtWaterboy »


Don't forget:

Battlestae Gallactica:Razor kicks off tonite with a 2-hr premier!!!

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[JiF]Sly Gambit
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Re: BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

Post by [JiF]Sly Gambit »

[JiF]LtWaterboy wrote:All,

Don't forget:

Battlestae Gallactica:Razor kicks off tonite with a 2-hr premier!!!

Bah. Mediocre and way too jumpy between the past, the past past, and the really past past. I don't think they should have included the scene of Admiral Adama that was a webisode. Just have him say something. The one 'shocker' that the admiral was hooking up with a cylon was very, very lame.

I thought they were going to focus more on fighting the cylons in this. Only the last 15 minutes or so involved a fight. There was a better space battle in the webisode.

BTW - They announced that this season will be the last. The fact that they did so before any ratings makes me lower my expectations even further. I think it'll go on my 'if it's on my DVR and I can't find anything else on I'll watch it' list.
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Re: BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

Post by [JiF]Mentat »

I had friends over so only caught the first 5 minutes and turned it off. Sorry to hear the bad reviews.
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Re: BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

Post by [JiF]Rhykin »

I ended up watching this as well. Not the greatest thing but it entertained me. It seemed more like a normal episode (divergent plot) then anything special. The extra affair thing was a bit over the top and not needed. I also wish there was more fighting, paricularily on the first cylon war. That area was pretty weak in my opinion. I haven't watch the webisodes yet.

Did you guys know that they are considering making another TV series based off of BSG. The plot supposed to take part before the 1st cylon war if I recall. I forget what it's called..
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Re: BSG:Razor - Tonite!!

Post by [JiF]Timmay! »

[JiF]LtWaterboy wrote:Battlestae Gallactica:Razor kicks off tonite with a 2-hr premier!!!
Was this what it took to get Baltar to start shaving again??
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